

Pedalma community joins all the people who loves to ride, following the principles of our philosophy.

Our Telegram group is the meeting point to share your passion with others.

Fidelity Program For Participants

We like to thank those who have placed their trust in us, which is why all those who participate in one of our events can benefit from a discount when registering for the following year’s events.

  • Exclusive early registration 24h before on the PedAlma events
  • Direct discount on the PedAlma events.

Legend Participant

Have you participated 3 times in the same PedAlma event?
If so, you are in luck, because if you want to participate a 4th time the registration is free for you.

Yes, that’s right, just send us an email saying that you want to participate for the 4th time and we will invite you.

You have become a LEGEND PARTICPANT

Note: Only participations in the same event are counted. They do not have to be consecutive. Free registration is for the same event.

Strava Club

We have a club on Strava to improve communication between all the people who are part of the community and also to keep your motivation up!

PedAlma ciclistas pedaleando entre molinos
Pedalma imagen ciclistas en grupo